Friday, November 13, 2009

Dog fur problem?

Sophie is a black dalmation/lab breed, almost year old. Recently, we've spotted brown patches on her, 1 near the top of her fur, and one an inch up from where her tail starts. The fur is very short there, lamost like it's been cut by a hair clippers, and instead of being black, it's brown and feels very dry. Does anyone know what this is and how I can cure it? She's constantly scratching and biting it. My guess is fleas but I'm not sure.

Dog fur problem?

Call the vet. The call is FREE.

Could be mange, flee allergies, dry skin, allergies to the detergent or fabric softener you use, food allergies, plant reaction or a variety of other things.

Below is a website if you insist on self-diagnosing the problem. However, if you are wrong you may do more harm than good.

Dog fur problem?

take her to the vet so he can have a look it could be mange

Dog fur problem?

take her 2 the vet

Dog fur problem?

We had a cairn terrier like this. It is an allergy to fleas. He'd eventually rub his back raw. Rub vasilene on the spot to help with the itching and up your anti-flea measures.

Dog fur problem?

Doesn't sound like fleas. More like mange. Possibly she got into something and got burned. Could be ringworm, too, which is a fungus, not a parasite, and can be contagious. Could be hot spots.

Take her to the vet. Each of the above possibilities requires treatment, and the treatment is widely different for each. Good luck.

Dog fur problem?

yes, its fleas. get her some flea prevention and a good oatmeal bath and her fur will grow back like normal. we had a lhasa apso that had the same problem.

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