The process using clippers and the animal's fur isn't completely shaven off, just shortened so that he doesn't get so hot in the summertime.
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
Cats shed their overcoat in summer time. You may not notice a difference by looking at him, but that's what happens. Notice how when you pet him the fur won't feel so thick and it will come off in your hand. Instead of shaving him, you could brush him and help him get all the extra fluffiness off ----- you can get a good brush at any pet store. I had a fluffy cat and using one of those made him shed enough fur to build a whole 'nother cat! Go to to get some ideas on what to look for in brushes - they have some that will really help your cat shed some unwanted pounds of fur!
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
dont make it too short, they can sunburn just like us. dont put any sunscreen on it, they will lick it and get sick.
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
I have a black Persian cat and he does fine in the summer, but I do have air conditioning. Ironically just like snow can insulate to keep you warm I wonder if fluffy fur can help keep an animal cool??? Anyway, I have never had to clip my big fulffy cat! Best wishes!
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
you shouln`t shave all of the fur but you should cut some of it
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
I also have a cat with a lot of hair. I have had her shaved twice, both times in the summer (heat and humidity affect cats just like people), The reason that I had her shaved was because she was shedding so much hair that it gave her furballs several times a day - she was also having problems getting food and water down around the amount of hair she had swallowed. Please note that this is twice in 12 years, and both times she was shaved at the vets office.
If your cat is having similar problems, then it would be something to try. The hair will grow back.
If your cat is not having problems, and does not go outside, then there is no reason to have her shaved.
If you are worried about the length, (I.E. cat hair on the furniture, clothes, everywhere) their are many pet salons or pet stores that will groom your kitty to a shorter length that would keep you both happy with each other.
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
I think they should be. to keep them cool. its like having your long hair in a bun. to keep cool.
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
There is no reason to shave your cat unless it's fur has become matted or damaged somehow and your cat cannot groom him/herself. The process of shaving, first of all, is very stressful to your cat. Secondly, after the shaving the cats feel unnatural and uncomfortable because they are not used to the feel of having been sheared. Finally, believe it or not, cats with an undercoat sometimes stay cooler than cats without. The undercoat protects them from the elements. Leave your cat as is. Due to the extra shedding in the summer, you can brush the cat more often to help out in his/her grooming.
Should a cat with very long hair be shaved for the summertime to be kept cool?
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