Monday, November 16, 2009

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

I know you can use a small razor/clipper. Is there a better way? This is a full time job!

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

Tweezer? That might be painful on the ears though ...

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

Oh god. Full time job? God bless you. xx

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

Take out the tweezers and pluck pluck pluck away. Go for the nose while you are at it. It will be slightly painful at first but eventually you get used to it.

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

If he can stand the plucking, go for it! : ) .. if not, they make those little tiny shave sticks, ya know for noses and such. They work great! Give it a try, my fiance' uses one, and it works great!

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

if you can have someone do it for you

use some wax

it will keep it away longer

put a small amount of cotton into your ear to protect your ear canal

then let er rip

What is the best way to remove hair from a man's ear?

use that little thing that was designed for women to trim eyebrows it's electric and small and has a light on it you can find it at Walmart or a Pharmacy

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