Monday, November 16, 2009

Trimming Pubic Hair?

What guard would you reccomend if you use clippers to trim?

Or should i just shave them all off?

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Leave your bush alone..

Trimming Pubic Hair?

just shave em off, and trim with scissors.

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Dont shave!

Wax is best =]

Trimming Pubic Hair?

dont use clippers, it pulls and its sore !!! either shave or wax x

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Use a #1

Trimming Pubic Hair?

dont use clippers-u and will get ur sack caught between the teeth and bleed like hell

trim with scissors the finish with a razor (slow and steady)

BTW-I'm guessing you're a man

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Think scizzors much safer !! - and not too much otherwise it itches too much !

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Trim with scissors

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Why clippers? Just try the razor you'd use for underarm or leg hair. They work just as well.

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Just take it all off. It'll come back.

Trimming Pubic Hair?

trim only.

Trimming Pubic Hair?

clippers with the guard off but make sure they are well oiled or they will pull your pubes out, ouch! done that many a time!

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Gawd the things i do on a saturday night. i wonder cud u get lazer treatment down der. maybe forget the clippers and go with a wax job cus u get a lovely smooth finish for longer. like the eyebrows. get ur girlfriend to do it 4 u!! And have a few vodkas while ur at it!!

Trimming Pubic Hair?

i just shave.

it's easiest.

i'm warning you now, it itches at first but it doesn't after a while.

without hair, it feels cleaner.

Trimming Pubic Hair?

I have tried probably every way to trim. Clippers can pull the hair instead of trimming it--think pain. Wax can feel like you are ripping them out (and some wax can get too hot if you haven't done it before, which can cause burns)--think pain again. Razors can give you a rash, and if you shave an area that constantly rubs up against your clothes you will get ingrown hairs. I personally trim the hair on the upper half with scissors until it's as short as I want it, or use a beard trimmer (no pun intended) because as someone else has said if it is oiled well it pulls less, and I shave everything south of that. Think "landing strip" or "porno patch". That is the most comfortable to ME, but it all boils down to personal preference--you may have to try out different ways until you find what you like.

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Do not shave it - i've seen a few articles where men give opinions on things like this and they all seem to agree that stubble is disgusting down there.

Only shave your bikini line.

As for the rest of it, if you want it off - have a wax - but i question any girl that would want to look like a child and any man that would want his women to look like a child down there.

If you like your bush - then just use some small scissors or clippers to trim it and keep the hair short.

Trimming Pubic Hair?


Trimming Pubic Hair?

If you're going to trim, scissors would be best, but if you want to take it all off waxing is the quickest and easiest (just grit your teeth!!)

Trimming Pubic Hair?

Please, leave the bush alone! Pubic hair is beautiful and is natural. Just keep them clean daily and you will be fine.

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