I'm just gonna spit it out here.
I have thick, wavy dark brown hair. In my life I have probably gotten no more than 2 varities of haircuts.
#1= the trim.
That's when I tell the hairdresser I'd like my hair "trimmed." She responds by saying how much would you like taken off? I say I don't know. She shows me what an inch and a half or so would look like, and I say yeah, sure, whatever.
cut #2= the buzz
For this hairstyle I basically say I want the clippers to be used. #4 on top, #3 on the side. Blend top and bottom.
There you have it. That's the extent of my hairstyling knowledge.
Thing is- I wanna shake it up. Maybe get somethin hot...something that would attract women...
So what do I go with, and more importantly- what do I tell the lady. Keep in mind I am retarted when it comes to style. I have none; I just wear whatever..
#1 Priority in the cut is it has to be LOW MAINTENANCE. THAT'S THE KEY!
Now do with me what you wish!
I am a guy and I'm asking a hair question?
Go to a mens hairdresser you don't know %26amp; ask for a number 1. Don't say nuthin else, just sit down %26amp; say
'I want a number 1'
I am a guy and I'm asking a hair question?
Have you ever experimented with gel? Go to a profesh and get an easy cut but ask for her to STYLE it before you leave. Gel can do wonders for guys. Really it does.
I am a guy and I'm asking a hair question?
5 on top 4 on sides perfect.
I am a guy and I'm asking a hair question?
i really like it when guys do the minnie fo hawks it's not like crazy punk rock type of thing it's just a little wave it looks good wether its gelled or not. Most guys have it short on the sides and a little bit longer leaving like a inch or or half on the top for the fo hawk sorry i really dont know all the right terms even though my mother was a hair dresser lol
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