Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

My hair is just below my shoulders, but for the past month or so, I've had this intense desire to get it cut short, I mean like so short that clippers have to be used instead of scissors. A boycut, I guess, now, every time I see a woman with ultra short hair, I want to run and cut mine off, too. Has anyone else ever been like this? Should I submit to my feelings? Serious answers only please.

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

i've wanted to do that many times too. my hair is about to my waist (when its super curly!) and i love those really short cuts with just some bangs in front. i have been sooooooo close to getting one of those but i always chicken out! my hair is like my security blanket! you should just do what you really want to, and what you think will look best and make you feel the most confident. good luck!! :)

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

just do it, it will always grow back.

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

ya i have wanted to when i get frustrated but honestly i think only if u wanna

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

i think that you should if you really want to and you dont think that youll regret it.

%26amp; even if you do... itll always grow back eventually.

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

Go for it.

Theres always clip on extensions, and plus hair does grow back.

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

yes i have my hair is long now i want it short but my dad said no ugh it makes me mad

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

YES ! you should do it, live alittle. %26amp; it will always grow back. %26amp; i think it'll be cute (:

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

no but it is hair it should grow back( there is nothing like trying new things)

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

If you want to do this you can, your hair will always grow back!

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

yes go for it but i would do it yourself e-mail me and i can send sexy hair pics its

Girls, have you ever wanted to go from long to super short hair?

I had long hair before and then i cut. after that i felt so fresh everday.also if your in a hurry just bend your head down and flip it back up .sooo cute and refreshing!

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