I used to go to a barber that OBVIOUSLY didn't sterilize his clippers because I would always get an itchy scalp for a week or so, after going to him. Anyways, I don't go to his shop any more, but had started to use the Shampoo/Conditioner Selsun Blue to assist with my itchy scalp. Now that I don't go to him any more, I have no need for it, but ever since I stopped using Selsun Blue, I have retained a DISGUSTING sulfur odor radiating from my hair and skin!!! I've scrubbed my hair and skin with Dove body wash, Dove bar soap, and even Pantene shampoo, and it still remains. HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS HORRIBLE STENCH?!?!?!? PLEASE HELP ANYONE!!!!
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
go to a shop and get a scented oil that you like. bathe in water but add some of that. after wash it off and see how it works. thats all i can think of. good luck!!!!
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
I'd sue the old barbar. bastard. this is such an odd situation...i'd call a HAIR PROFESSIONAL and find out PRONTO. If that doesn't work, see a dermotologist. It might not be the shampoo...could be a more serious problem.
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
use another smell of shampoo and conditioner.
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
Mix a bit of liquid Tide and water (very little Tide). Don't get it in your eyes. The odor will disappear with time anyway.
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
Try a clarifying shampoo and conditioner. You probably have some of the Selsun Blue residue still in your hair. This will help get it out. I know a lot of company's make this type of shampoo, but I use Suave. Hope it works!
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
If jumping in the pool is an option I would try that. The chlorine seems to cancel out all kinds of smells especially bad cologne. Good Luck!
How do I get the smell from the Shampoo/Conditioner, Selsun Blue, off of my skin and hair?
I know what you mean about the disgusting odor. I hate that shampoo. Try using a clarifying shampoo. Or you you could try rinsing your hair with a little apple cider vinegar. I use it to clarify my hair once in awhile. You just need to dilute it with a little water and use as it as a rinse after you shampoo your hair. Don't worry the vinegar smell will go away. Hope I helped you.
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