Friday, November 13, 2009

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

I know the wait till the hair grows out, but this looks horrible. I normally groom her my self but I took her to my friend. She then let her trainee, groom her. I picked her up and she is clipped. We dont have a show for a month. I am hopeing that the hair grows back enough by then. The back is the only part shaved the feathers are all ok. I am P*****. I did not tip her. I did pay. Does anyone know how to make the hair grow faster? She is on vitamins.. Just dont know what else to do.

She looks silly.

(I still love her though.. she is a sweet heart).

Thank you.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

When my Newf got a large laceration on his leg a month before a show, we prayed for the best, and we used "Hair on the Doorknob". It worked WONDERS!!! Coat grew quite fast!!!!!! Works well for bit ches post whelping also.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Nothing you can do, wait till it grows or shave it all off

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

try 'missing link' it's good for the coat - not sure if it makes it grow faster. it's a powdery suppliment you put on her food.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Unfortunately you just have to wait.

Ah, this reminds me of the time I went to get my hair cut and the girl was to busy talking and cut my hair shorter than I wanted it - and the left side was longer than the right!

I feel for your poor dog.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Wait for the hair to grow up, there're some doggy shampoos that strenghten the hair but don't make it grow faster. Next time you take your dog to a groomer, take a picture of what you want with you, it will help to communicate what you want.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

What a mess.....

Hopefully the coat grows back in a month or else you are out of luck....

Not really much you can do...

I have a story to tell you....Me being the terrible groomer I am, I messed up my dog's pants right before a 3 day weekend of shows!! I showed the dog but, felt like such a dummy! I was all embarassed! So now I have a friend help me because she just knows how to groom dogs really well!

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Not only would I not have tipped, but I wouldn't have paid either! Even if it was your friend, she shouldn't have delegated this job to someone without enough experience to do it right.

Sorry about the cut, but it'll grow back.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Nothing you can do... it probably won't be fully grown in a month either... make sure you keep it properly brushed as it grows out.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?


Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Aww, is that your cocker in the picture?!! He's cute. I also have one, and when we give him a cut it takes about 2-3 months for his hair to fully grow back . (he's 9 months) I don't know anything that will promote hair growth, sorry, but those vitamins might speed it up as some are good for the hair.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

Oh!!! how awful. if your groomer friend knew that this was a show dog she should have passed on to trainee exactly what to do and not do. if she didn't i can see the trainee just doing a cocker clip, thank goodness she didn't cut the feathers.

i don't know anything that will stimulate hair growth. missing link is great for coat but it also puts weight on the dog so you need to adjust the food intake. i know from experience.

Groomer took clippers to my cocker. What can I do?

I'm surprised your friend, who should know you show her, allowed a trainee to practice on a show cocker!! She didn't shave her down did she? I hope she didn't use a #10 blade. If so, you will have to wait a good year before you enter her in a show again. I don't think there is anything you can do. to make the hair grow faster. I would use a stripping knife in a few weeks to pull out the fuzzy stuff on her back so some textured hair can grow back. And, I'm not so sure I would leave her with your friend again...I would be the only one touching her from now on.

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